
210.65 Receptacle Outlets in Meeting Rooms



Change Summary

  • Revisions recognize non-rectangular meeting rooms(such as round-shaped meeting rooms). Revision also provides flexibility to provide a floor receptacle outlet or an outlet to supply receptacles for hardwired furniture with receptacles.
NEC® Text

210.71 210.65 Meeting Rooms.
(A) General. Each meeting room of not more than 93 m2 (1000 ft2) in other than dwelling units shall have outlets for nonlocking-type, 125-volt, 15- or 20-ampere receptacles. The outlets shall be installed in accordance with 210.7165(B). Where a room or space is provided with movable partition(s), each room size shall be determined with the partition in the position that results in the smallest size meeting room.
Informational Note No. 1: For the purposes of this section, meeting rooms are typically designed or intended for the gathering of seated occupants for such purposes as conferences, deliberations, or similar purposes, where portable electronic equipment such as computers, projectors, or similar equipment is likely to be used.
Informational Note No. 2: Examples of rooms that are not meeting rooms include auditoriums, schoolrooms, and coffee shops.
(B) Receptacle Outlets Required. The total number of receptacle outlets, including floor outlets and receptacle outlets in fixed furniture, shall not be less than as determined in (1) and (2). These receptacle outlets shall be permitted to be located as determined by the designer or building owner.
(1) Receptacle Outlets in Fixed Walls. The required number of receptacle outlets shall be installed determined in accordance with 210.52(A)(1) through (A)(4).These receptacle outlets shall be permitted to be located as determined by the installer, designer, or building owner.
(2) Floor Receptacle Outlets. A meeting room floor dimension that is at least 3.7 m (12 ft) wide or greater in any direction and that has a floor area of at least 20 m2 (215 ft2) shall have at least one floor receptacle outlet located in the floor, or at least one floor outlet to serve receptacle(s), located at a distance not less than 1.8 m (6 ft) from any fixed wall for each 20 m2 (215 ft2) or major portion of floor space.
Informational Note No. 1: See Section 314.27(B) for floor boxes used for receptacles located in the floor.
Informational Note No. 2: See Article 518 for assembly occupancies designed for 100 or more persons.

Material taken from the National Electric Code® is reprinted with permission from NFPA 70®, 2020 edition.
National Electrical Code®, Copyright 2019, National Fire Protection Association, Quincy, MA. All rights reserved.

Expert Analysis
During the 2017 NEC revision cycle, new requirement were incorporated into a then new 210.71 calling for a certain number of nonlocking-type, 125-volt, 15- or 20-ampere receptacle outlets in non-dwelling unit meeting rooms under very specific conditions. For a meeting room or space that is provided with movable partition(s), each room size was to be determined with the partition in the position that results in the “smallest size meeting room.” If a meeting area was equipped with a movable partition and that partition (when opened or in place) would divide the total space into two spaces when employed, this would result in two separate meeting rooms and each side would need to be treated as its own separate meeting room. A simple way to look at planning installation is to say the location of said receptacle outlets can be determined by the installer, designer, or building owner, the minimum number of receptacles required is determined by the NEC.

210.65 Receptacle Outlets in Meeting Rooms

For the 2020 NEC, these meeting room receptacle outlet rules moved forward with a few revisions and a new home at 210.65 rather than its original location at 210.71.

The previous language at 210.71(B)(2) for floor receptacle outlets could have been interpreted to only apply to a square or rectangle-shaped meeting room. Revisions to 210.65(B)(2) clarifies length versus width concerns while addressing non-rectangular meeting rooms, such as those that are round. This list item for floor outlets now applies to a meeting room “with any floor dimension” that is 3.7 m (12 ft) or greater “in any direction” and that has a floor area of at least 20 m2 (215 ft2). This revision also provides the flexibility to provide a floor receptacle outlet (as previously required) or a floor outlet to serve receptacle(s) providing flexibility to the installer and designer and to accommodate hardwired desk or furniture that could have built-in receptacle outlets. The requirement that these receptacles be located at a distance not less than 1.8 m (6 ft) from any fixed wall allows for emergency entrance/egress without having to maneuver around and over extension cords and flexible powers cords for laptop computers and the like.

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