
210.11(C)(4) Dwelling Unit Garage Branch Circuits


Change Summary

  • At least one 120-volt, 20-ampere branch circuit is required to be installed to supply the receptacle outlets required by 210.52(G)(1) for attached garages and in detached garages with electric power. These branch circuits intended for the 210.52(G)(1) garage receptacle outlets are to have no other outlets with an exception for readily accessible outdoor receptacle outlets.
NEC® Text

210.11 Branch Circuits Required
(C) Dwelling Units.

(4) Garage Branch Circuits. In addition to the number of branch circuits required by other parts of this section, at least one 120-volt, 20-ampere branch circuit shall be installed to supply receptacle outlets required by 210.52(G)(1) for attached garages and in detached garages with electric power. This circuit shall have no other outlets.
Exception: This circuit shall be permitted to supply readily accessible outdoor receptacle outlets.

Material taken from the National Electric Code® is reprinted with permission from NFPA 70®, 2020 edition.
National Electrical Code®, Copyright 2019, National Fire Protection Association, Quincy, MA. All rights reserved.

Expert Analysis
For the 2020 NEC, a provision was changed in article 210.11(C)(4) to provide at least one 120-volt, 20-ampere branch circuit installed to supply receptacle outlets “required by 210.52(G)(1)” (for each vehicle bay and not more than 1.7 m (5. ft) above the floor) in attached garages and in detached garages with electric power. In other words, garage receptacle outlets NOT required by 210.52(G)(1) do not have to be supplied by this dedicated 120-volt, 20-ampere branch circuit(s) or even be supplied by a 20-ampere rated branch circuit (could be a 15-ampere rated branch circuit). This seems to defeat the entire purpose for the previous 2017 NEC provision for a 20 ampere rated branch circuit for garage receptacles, which was to provide a branch circuit properly sized for large power tools, etc. installed in today’s modern dwelling unit garages.